Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pleated Wristlets

For weeks I have been drafting patterns for a pleated wristlet (relentlessly!) with removable key fob. I just couldn't get the right look I was looking for. These are the practice pieces I did. I will share with you the one I am finally happy with soon.

The bottom one wasn't round enough.

If you asked where's the pattern for these I couldn't tell you. Sometimes when I am so engrossed with drafting and sewing I usually make changes directly on the wristlet itself and forget to do the same on the pattern I used.

The blue print was the first one I did. I sort of liked it then I couldn't find the pattern. I have made so many changes to it I could figure out which one I used. Then on second thought I wanted it fuller. This one just had darts.

The bottom was too flat--no darts. I wanted it boxed or darted at the corners.

Stay tuned!