Hello everyone. How time goes by--it's been two months since I posted something here. Too many many things happened since then and I don't know where to start. In scrapbooking (which by the way I have to start doing again soon) they advise you to start from the latest pictures and work your way down. Well I just had a craft show in Del Rey Beach a few miles south of Palm Beach and about an hour south of where I live. I have finally bought some free standing panels but I have to buy more probably next year. I want them on both sides of my booth.

It was so hot most of the time but that's the way it is here.
I must say my bags were showcased better because of these panels.
I only sell these adorable beaded socks locally and are very popular and so are the hairbows.

I can't resist taking a picture of this diva poodle!
I have another craft show coming locally this weekend and I hope it would be a lot cooler!