It is a beautiful Sunday morning. We are supposed to have a cold front--in the 50s? Well to us South Floridians that is COLD! It's more like low 70s with gusty winds. Most of us turn on the heater when the temperature drops even for a few degrees. I don't. For one thing our heater isn't hooked up yet and I like it cold as long as my knees don't start hurting. That's when I know it is too cold inside the house. We haven't really had a lot of cold fronts for the last couple of years but Hurricanes, well that's another story. My daughter spent the night with a friend so I can have some time to relax, sit back and catch up on my reading with a cup of cappuccino. I hardly drink regular coffee--I am a latte/cappuccino kind of gal. I have two books that I started reading simultaneously--Feng Shui Your Life by Jayme Barret and Feng Shui Revealed by R.D. Chin. This is my favorite spot until it gets too hot in late Spring, that is. The view is great as I get to see sunrise and sunset, hear the soothing sound of the water, chirping birds, scurrying squirrels and nosy family of ducks that share the space with me. I am waiting for one unusual creature that I haven't seen in awhile. It has a body of a dog but it has a snout like a pig's! If I see it I will try and take a picture and post it here maybe somebody knows what it is.